Emily Proskiw, MScURP
E: eproskiw@pib.ca
P: (250) 493-0048 ext. 253
The Planning Department acts in the public interest to prepare plans and policies to guide development of PIB’s reserve land, reflecting community priorities while balancing social, cultural, economic, and environmental principles to ensure a sustainable path forward.
The principal functions of the Planning Department are:
- To prepare land use plans and policies for consideration by PIB Chief and Council;
- To serve the community by responding to a wide range of inquiries and applications related to the use and development of land;
- To develop and administer PIB land use bylaws, standards, and policies;
- To facilitate member participation in the land use process;
- To provide support to the Engineering Department for the feasibility phase of capital projects; and
- To act as a resource to PIB Chief and Council on planning and development matters
The Planning Department is part of the Infrastructure Division, responsible for ensuring that the PIB community develops in a sustainable way that is underpinned by safe and reliable public infrastructure. Infrastructure is composed of several departments, including Engineering, Planning, Housing, Public Works, and Utilities. Infrastructure plays a critical role in the long-range planning and infrastructure development of PIB’s reserve land. We are responsible for the maintenance and operation of existing infrastructure and planning for future needs to ensure that the community has the public infrastructure to support its growth.
Loretta Ghostkeeper AScT.
Director of Infrastructure
E: lghostkeeper@pib.ca
P: (250) 493-0048 ext. 215