If you have previously filled out a PIB Housing Rental Application and it is a year or older, you must fill out a new application before the “listed rentals” closing date.
If you have any questions regarding this or your application, please call:
Housing & Tenant Relations – pschwetje@pib.ca or 250-493-0048 ext. 220.
Please click the button link to fill out an application or to print
***For any questions or to pick up an application, contact Patricia Schwetje at pschwetje@pib.ca or 250-493-0048 ext. 220.
June 21, 2023 – FOR RENT:
2-bedroom 1- bathroom home.
RENT: TBD / month utilities not included.
Eligibility for the unit include:
Applications filled out and turned in no later than July 19th, 2024, at 5:00pm, no exceptions.
For more questions or to pick up an application contact Patricia Schwetje at pschwetje@pib.ca or 250-493-0048 ext. 220 or Cheryl Kruger at ckruger@pib.ca 250-493-0048 ext. 216
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