Outma Sqilx’w Cultural School (OSCS) is located on the Penticton Indian Band Reserve overlooking both Skaha Lake and Okanagan Lake. Outma Sqilx’w Cultural School serves students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade Nine Currently, the school has a population of approximately 80 students. Outma Sqilx’w Cultural School offers a strong Nsyilxen Language and Culture Program and a solid academic program which meets provincial learning outcomes. Special attention is given to create a safe and welcoming school environment.
Junior Kindergarten to Grade 9 Education
Mission: To provide quality education programs and services
Vision: Preparing students today for a brighter, healthier and prosperous tomorrow.
Philosophy: No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship – Dr. James Comer
A climate and culture of naqsmist supports students, staff and family members to come together as a community to embrace learning, diversity and Syilx cultural identity.
Agency: We are self-determining agents of positive change. Learning interactions are co-constructed where learners play an active role in the design and assessment of learning and through establishing and reaching short and long-term goals.
Identity: Learners see themselves and their experiences reflected throughout their learning and the learning community.
Care: All members of the learning community feel seen, heard and cared for.
Learning: Learners engage in a dynamic process where they build knowledge, make meaning and apply understanding. Learning involves an appropriate level of challenge that results in ongoing growth and achievement.
We Believe
- Our school is our children’s house and everyone that enters their house is a guest.
- In providing our students with a safe, happy, healthy and nurturing learning environment.
- Parental involvement is essential to the success of the student’s education.
- Intergenerational teaching is important to the students’ holistic education.
- All students, staff and Education Committee must role model the three R’s: Respect, Responsibility, and Reliability.
- Teachers must be committed to providing the highest standards of education and instill the love of learning in all our students.
- All of our students are capable of reaching their fullest potential.
- Our school curriculum must include both provincial academic outcomes and that language, history and culture must be integrated into the curriculum.
- We are preparing our children to be successful in their community and the global community.
- Our children are our most precious natural resource.
- We have the responsibility to shape the future leaders of our community.
- All stakeholders must work in harmony with one another; parents, extended family, elders, traditional teachers, school staff, the Parent Advisory Committee, Education Committee, Chief and Council, Band Administration, external agencies and resources.
- Syilx language, history and culture defines who we are.
Contact and Location
291 Outma Sqilx’w Place,
Penticton BC, V2A 0E3
Phone: (250)493-2421
Fax: (250) 490-3081