The Okanagan Training and Development Council (OTDC) funds employment and training services at PIB, which are coordinated by our Employment and Training Coordinator
Support Services provided by PIB OTDC Employment and Training Coordinator, include the following:
Please note that any program or training offered is on a First Come-First Serve and Funding Availability Basis
Objective: To purchase institutional training from a public or registered private institution on behalf of clients. This could involve the purchase of a single seat or the purchase of an entire course.
Objective: To assist youth in preparing for their future entry into the labour market. This could involve providing work experience, career specific training (certificate or diploma), college/university prerequisites, life skills, job readiness, or entrepreneurial skills for youth 15 – 29 years through the provision of a wage subsidy to employers or training costs.
Objective: To assist students in preparing for their future entry into the labour market. This could involve providing work experience through the provision of a wage subsidy to employers
Objective: To assist employers to upgrade the skills of current full-time or part-time employees who are in danger of layoff.
Objective: To assist long-term unemployed or those at risk of becoming long-term unemployed by providing training and/or work experience opportunities that should lead to continuing or future employment for individuals requiring assistance to overcome labour market barriers. This could involve employing one or more individuals in new or vacant positions or projects designed to meet community needs or work experience for students over 30.
Objective: To deliver employment services to clients and communities. This could include counseling, placement and referral activities through organizations in the community.
Objective: To provide assistance to employers & community organizations to assist them in being able to provide specialized training opportunities, major impact proposals & program delivery activities.
Objective: To assist individuals to prepare for, obtain & maintain employment or self employment. This could involve work experience projects, the purchase of training, wage subsidies for employers and/or assistance in launching a business.
Measures: To assist organizations in the provision of employment services to individuals, and/or to encourage partnerships to support employers, employees and/or employer associations & communities to deal with local human resource requirements.
Objective: To provide assistance a person with a disability utilizing any of the programs noted above.
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