
Alyssa Wilson
Utilities Coordinator
Ph: (250) 493-0048 ext: 251 Email: awilson@pib.ca
Barry Phillip
Utilities Water Operator
Bob Garcia
Utilities Water Operator

Utilities is a critical part of the community’s infrastructure that provides clean drinking water which is fundamental for public health. The Utilities Department works in conjunction with FNHA to provide safe drinking water for the community.

Penticton Indian Band is currently served by 3 separate water supply areas the Lower Village, Upper village, and the Skaha System. Water is supplied from groundwater wells that are from two different shallow valley bottom aquifers. The water is treated with sodium hypochlorite to provide disinfection for the distribution system.

The Utilities Department is responsible the management, maintenance, and upkeep on the system to ensure efficient operations as well as the monitoring the treatment and distribution of potable water to the residents and business on PIB lands.


The Utilities Department is part of the Infrastructure Division, responsible for ensuring that the PIB community develops in a sustainable way that is underpinned by safe and reliable public infrastructure. Infrastructure is composed of several departments, including Engineering, Planning, Housing, Public Works, and Utilities. Infrastructure plays a critical role in the long-range planning and infrastructure development of PIB’s reserve land. We are responsible for the maintenance and operation of existing infrastructure and planning for future needs to ensure that the community has the public infrastructure to support its growth.
Loretta Ghostkeeper AScT.
Director of Infrastructure
E: lghostkeeper@pib.ca
P: (250) 493-0048 ext. 215

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