
Joseph Pierre
PIB School Administrator
Kendra Eneas
Executive Resource Manager/Post Secondary
Kathy Pierre
Special Resource Teacher

** 2023/2024 PIB High School Graduation Funds Request Form**

The Penticton Indian Band Education Department Administration team strive to provide education services for community members at all levels. The PIB Education Department is organized into five district areas that include Little Paws Daycare, Band Schools (OSCS and PIB Ed Centre), Public/Private schools (K-12), Post-Secondary Education and General Education Administration. The Education Departments vision and mission are to prepare students today for a brighter, prosperous tomorrow by ensuring, developing, and advocating for quality education programs

Vision Statement

“Preparing students today for a brighter, prosperous tomorrow.”

Mission Statement

“Providing quality Education Programs and Services.”

Our Philosophy

We believe……

  • Education promotes, perpetuates and strengthens our culture and language.
  • Quality programs prepare our students for entrance into post-secondary or the workforce.
  • Education prepares students for total living and promotes self-identity, self-reliance and a desire for lifelong learning.
  • The responsibility for education belongs to the Band.
  • The responsibility for learning belongs to the student.

Guiding Principles

  1. Working together to assist students, parents, and community members with education planning and programming at all levels from daycare and beyond.
  2. Encouraging adaptability by developing strategies to increase school graduation rates so community members are better prepared for the work force, vocational training, or post secondary education.
  3. Prioritizing cultural identity by developing strategies and opportunities for the students, community members and staff to learn Syilx history, culture, protocols, and language at all levels.
  4. Encouraging lifelong learning by supporting students and community members to pursue higher education, careers, and interests to be self-reliant with positive self-identity and esteem
  5. Communicating effectively by engaging, consulting, and collaborating with the PIB community; PIB administration team; Chief and Council; public and private schools (k-12); post-secondary institutes; and community, regional, provincial, and federal government agencies to support the effective delivery of education services, programs and funding supports for the Penticton Indian Band membership.
  6. Encouraging resourcefulness by seeking and providing education funding to support the PIB membership based on funding availability, eligibility, and established criteria.
  7. Celebrating student success by honouring student at community events.

Contact Us

Join us in celebrating and preserving the rich culture and heritage of Penticton Indian Band's peoples. Contact us to learn more and get involved in our efforts.

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